
In our more than 40 years as founders and owners of one of the largest design and communications agencies in Switzerland, we have realised thousands of projects in a wide variety of fields.
Since our retreat from everyday agency work, we have concentrated in our boutique company on select projects where we can assert our claim to quality. As conceptual designers, passionate designers and craftsmen, it's no longer just the "doing" that counts for us, but also the "how". Our "design think tank", at home in a breathtaking loft with a view over the city of Basel, should be available to all those who strive for new and innovative solutions with us.
"As one of the first members we have supported epda for more than 25 years now. And we are still convinced that only together can the interests of packaging and brand designers be represented in the market. With congresses, networking, literature and further education, epda offers a lot for a new generation of packaging designers."
If merchandising is to make sense, various basic requirements must be met. It should never just be a matter of including as many articles as possible with a logo in one's own product range, but rather of coordinating advertising, corporate identity and communication with a stringent concept.
The Zoo Animal Alphabet concept forms the basis on which very different measures can be individually implemented.
Advertising with large animal motifs, the façade with images and text, and merchandising in the zoo's own shop with selected and intelligently designed products.
Basel is a city with many attractions, museums and fairs. But rapidly changing lifestyles and economic conditions call for a constant adaptation of the city's own image.
That is why the organisation "Stadtkonzept Basel" has decided to organise a new form of festival. The core of the idea is to make as many existing attractions and sights as possible appear as a whole to the outside world.
This is to be signalled by a joint appearance in order to bring the many participants together visually, so to speak.
Our task was to create a new form of corporate design that is more like a formula than a design manual.
Salt is life - the white gold. What is now considered a "low interest" product and can be had cheaply in every supermarket is only noticed if it is made attractive, spiced up, flavoured or given a lifestyle story. The brochure "Salt - the white gold and its history" is intended to illustrate the history of salt production and the many functions of this valuable mineral in an easily understandable way. In striking picture compositions, tasks and historical aspects are presented in a thematically structured way. A style of illustration that is drawing and pictogram in one. Graphics in the service of simple comprehensibility.